Nate was 6 months old on Tuesday. He went for his check-up yesterday and he weighed in at 14 lbs 9 oz and 26 inches long. That put him at 10th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. He really shot up there this time. Anyway, he got his shots and hasn't been too crabby, but has been running a fever. My poor baby. I hate it when he doesn't feel good and I can't do much about it. He even cried in the shower today, that never happens. Also he is anemic. So now I have to give him iron drops. Oh my goodness, I tasted the drops, they taste exactly like when you get that throw up taste in your mouth. How sad that my baby has to take that. So I made sure to put it into his food/bottle. How gross, I almost threw up when I tasted it! Anyway, other than that he is developing very well. He has started sitting up some, but every time I try to take a picture, he looks up at me and falls over. So maybe we'll get one tomorrow. He's in bed for the night, hopefully. I am including some pictures of him in his bumbo seat. Lately he has been eating his toes alot and since he couldn't reach his toes in the bumbo, he decided to eat the bumbo itself. We would laugh at him and he would laugh back and then do it all over again just so we'd laugh at him. He is such a little ham.
So we found out today that we officially have a home in Arkansas to move to. It is a 3/2 duplex that has a privacy fenced yard for the dog. We got a great price. We are moving June 28.
He's so cute. We are going to miss you guys. By the way, we made our announcement, if you want to check out our blog! I also love the pics of you guys with Shoady and Juan!
I'm glad he did better with his shots this time. Congrats on the house and possible job :)
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