So today we went to the doctors. I gained 8 pounds in the last 2 1/2 weeks, for a total of 28 pounds so far. I was doing really well, but something happened in the last couple weeks. Anyway, he confirmed that Nate has started to drop, yeah! Also we have an ultrasound tomorrow to see how big he is. My belly has been lop-sided for a few weeks now, so I was asking the doctor if the part that is sticking out more was Nate's butt, he confirmed that he thought it was. I guess he likes to stick his butt up all the time, b/c the right side of my belly always sticks out more than the left. Everything else is going well. I do still have swollen feet that are the size of bricks I feel like. By the way, this picture was just taken today, I feel huge!
On Monday Charlie and I went to the hospital for a tour. Our maternity ward is really new and very nice. Everyone has private rooms, which is a new law in Florida! They are nice and big too. They each have a glider rocker and a chair that reclines into a bed. We didn't get to see the actual delivery room b/c they were all full or still needed cleaned. We really liked what we saw. I will be there for 48 hours after the baby comes.
Not much longer now!! I can't wait to see you and of course baby Nate! I'm sure everyone else in the family is jeleous that I will be the first to hold him! Love Ya!!
Holy have sure popped since the last picture! Way to go Nate for dropping :) Can't wait to see him!
You look great! I love the baby belly..haha Hey 28 pounds is not bad at all. Try 70 pounds...hee hee yes that is what I gained with Emerson...then 50 with Avery and 48 with Weston. So good job Carly. I can't wait to see Pictures of the little guy.
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