Hello everyone! We gave Nathaniel his first bath the other day. I was kind of scared to so his Grandma Rice helped us out with it. He cried, but not that much really. Here are a few pictures of bath time. Also we have a picture with my OBGYN Dr. Hayes, we really liked him. His office even sent us flowers in the hospital. Also there is Daddy's first diaper change, his is pretty good at it considering he hasn't been around babies much. This morning he took care of Nate while I slept. He fed him, changed a poopy diaper, and his clothes. What a great job daddy! Also Tangent, our dog, has made his claim on Nate. He comes to get us when Nate cries or fusses. Also he likes to sleep by his crib sometimes. He love Nate, but since Tangent is so big we have to be extra careful with him. He likes to try and lick Nate's toes.
Nate hasn't been wanting to sleep too well at night. He wants you to hold him all night. So last night he slept in the bed with me for a couple of hours and then we moved to the couch to feed him and he slept on the couch with me for another 4 hours! If that is what it takes to get some sleep, we'll do it! Hopefully he'll get better about sleeping in his bed! So Nate got another bath today and when I went to take off his diaper, his umbilical cord fell off! That was quick! We also showed him off at the bank where I work. Everyone thinks he is just such a cutie! We sure think so!